
Pros and cons of the age difference

As long as the sun rises in the morning, and the TV series "Sex and the City" are repeated on TV, women will fall for juniors and veterans without regard to their own age. Learn more with our free sex chat roulette blog.

Start a relationship with a man much older or younger than yourself can be one of three reasons: a lot of love, a lot of money, or all together (and we envy you). In any case, as long as your partner chooses a pension plan or a new skateboard, you should step on the throat of his love, and at least half an hour to think about the future. After reading the article, you'll see: the prospects for your new relationships promising, but difficult. If you are looking for something that will warm this cold evening – try our sex text chat.

He is older

Pros. Young woman picking a man older than she is, first of all looking for protection and reliability, unanimously agree psychologists and sexologists. Why else would need a man with gray hair and a clear vision of your place in his life, if not to take care of you in every way to take care of?

Lack of time, and his guardianship can be intrusive, and wisdom - tedious. No, it has not changed, just you yourself have grown up, have already taken place as a woman and as a person, and you do not need a mentor anymore. Of course, nothing prevents you to show your character, that's just your man may not like it - the habit.

An experienced player

Pros. Experience, of course, makes a man attractive. All because we know on a subconscious level: this man has separated the wheat from the chaff, and had taken out life lessons and the best value. Thus, instead of tiring walking through a mine field, we can just go for the safe rut. What a savings of time and effort! Con one should not forget that experience - it is not only knowledge and skills but also a tangle of problems that you probably do not want to deal with. For example, his ex-wife, girlfriends, children from the first or second marriage. All this is even more complicated than it seems at first glance, therefore, suggested to objectively assess the situation.

Constant companion

Pros, you know exactly what is on Wednesdays have dinner with my mother every third Thursday - a campaign for the products, and before going to bed, he likes to drink hot milk with cinnamon and honey. Persistence and discipline - attributes highly organized people. In a world full of chaos, let your home become a haven in which you hide from the uncertainties. Less highly people are called boring. So wave your pen pleasant surprises. Unexpected trip to a desert island, that will dance with you till you drop and walk until the morning in the past. Look at him and try to force your rules - a thankless and difficult, and to communicate with a man held - the battle, losing in advance. It is better to hand over weapons in a good and reconcile with his habits. Or humble and quietly "merge" it is too late. The ideal difference between partners is considered four and a half years. As you may have guessed, it must be older than the man.

The spontaneous nature

Pros most appropriate nickname for him is Kinder Surprise. So, no wonder you have chosen a careless student who can arrange an uninterrupted supply of pleasant surprises. He will bring you a lovely bouquet from the nearest flower bed, pull to the movies during business hours and tirelessly to please the most daring enterprises and the most immodest proposals.